7 Life Lessons That I Learnt From Video Games
Experiences are actually a great teacher who teaches us the greatest lessons of all times. You can easily see that your childhood memories shape your future too.
I still remember those incredible days, when I used to come from school and play a lot of video games by connecting the console to my TV set.
I had some great time playing those video games back then. My parents used to scold me as I used to play a hell amount of them.
Though I was not addicted to them, I used to love them a lot. It was actually my stress buster.
My favourite video games were Super Mario Bros. which was the first video game I played. Others are- Ratchet and Clank, Minecraft, Zombies, Ninja Turtles, PAC Man, Wii Sports and how can I forget those crossword puzzles from where I learnt new words daily and I must say that the list is endless.
While naming all of these video games I am feeling nostalgic. Those games were such a blast. I really miss those days.
Nowadays, the gaming industry is on a boom. The online gaming industry has reached a breaking point in terms of popularity.
Being a keen gamer, gaming for me was always more than just entertainment. It has taught me some of the greatest lessons of all times.
- Always tackle a problem from different angles
While playing a game there often comes a time when actually you find yourself stuck at a point which in turn irritates you a lot.
From this, I have learned that it’s always important to control my anger without getting irritated in all situations, even when I feel that nothing great is happening with me. This has actually proven to work as a great key so as to open the lock of anger.
2. Failure is not the end of the chapter, it is a great tool to learn
When you fail to win any level of the game, then you have to start again from level 1. For this, you need a hell amount of patience.
From this, I learned a great lesson that, life is also like a game and we all are players of that game. Sometimes we will win the levels, sometimes we will lose in different phases of life or even have to start from the beginning.
But, don’t lose patience because without patience you can’t change your failures to your success stories.
3. Just keep going no matter what
This is the greatest lesson that video games had taught me. Sometimes we have to do that work which actually seems to be a frustrating one to complete it.
But, if you will become successful in putting your efforts in that work which seems boring and unrewarding, you will actually get fruitful results in it.
4. Just come out of your comfort zone
If you will not try those things which seems out of the box to you, it will never ever lead you to the path of the success.
If you will explore yourself, it will actually lead to the untold treasures. You will never know yourself better if you don’t go outside and explore yourself a little more.
5. Teamwork is a great work
While playing ‘Zombies’ game I have learned one thing, that if you want any chance of survival, you need to work well with your team. You have to communicate well with your teammates.
Teamwork is a vital component to become a successful person.
6. Don’t trust anyone blindly
Minecraft has made me learned a great lesson that, people who seem to be innocent at first, it is damn possible that they have some other motive and you can’t trust them easily.
If you have ever played Minecraft you can easily analyse it. In Minecraft, you can’t even trust the press, businesses and not even the police. In some or the other way, they all were corrupted and greedy minded people.
“Not everyone can be trusted. I think we all have to be very selective about the people we trust” ~Shelley Long
7. Sometimes it’s not about winning, but having great fun and satisfaction at last
The best part that video games have taught me is that it’s not at all important to win each and every level of the game to call yourself a successful player.
No doubt, it’s necessary to be successful but stressing yourself over a slight failure is not at all a good as well as a healthy activity for you in the long run.
Sometimes it’s not about winning the game, it’s about having fun and feeling satisfied at the end of the day. This is a very important lesson to be learned in life if you want to truly live a happy life.
Video games have actually taught me the life greatest lessons which I have learned during my gaming journey. I am not calling myself the best player, but these were some of the strong and powerful lessons that I learned through video gaming, which I always try to implement in my life.
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That’s it, hope you found this post useful. I would be more than happy if you send your feedback, suggestions. Moreover, I love to make new friends and we can be friends.
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