Why humour is the best medicine of all times?

Shagun Sharma
6 min readFeb 17, 2021


Do you know what is humour? Okay, if we see from an academic point of view humour studies have traditionally lived in the rather unfunny world of philosophy departments. Now, psychologists and neuroscientists both have started to study mechanisms of humour and laughter.

If you see that an argument can be that, approaching humour studies from the perspective of comedy creation offers practical tools for using comedy and humour daily in our everyday communication and connection.

But, do you know what is humour in detail? Okay, if the answer is No, then let's dig deep into it.

What is humour?

I think that majority of people think of humour as something that exists for the sake of entertainment or for adding spice to social occasions. But, in reality, humour is an aspect of the human mind and as such, it is almost certainly part of a system for information processing. So, can you guess that what sort of information is processed when you laugh at something funny?

Basically, most of the humour follows a pattern:

1. Firstly, you believe that something is true, based on the clues given to you.

2. But, when you are offered with the future evidence then you realise that you were wrong.

3. In fact, you find yourself so incorrect that there was something wrong with the thought process that leads to initial Conclusion.

And at the end of this process, you feel pleasure. So, this is the whole process.

What is Understudied humour?

Just think of laughter as sounds of humans make when delighted. Let me ask you a question that like why do you laugh?

Many of you laugh for many other reasons like- You laugh because others laugh, you laugh to demonstrate the agreement or you laugh when you are uncomfortable. So, which option suits you well? Haha!

Humour is basically the state of being amused, although it might not be accompanied by laughter.

Actually, Humor and laughter were not seen as valuable topics for philosophical or scientific study until the 1980s perhaps due to their assumed connection to the body instead of mind and cause laughter, like other bodily functions, is often difficult to control.

Recent, research on the neuroscience of laughter has showcased the potential intellectual benefits of a brain wired to find humour. Okay, what according to you is comedy?

According, to me comedy is an intentionally created event or work designed to evoke laughter or humour in an audience.

It appears to provide a practical roadmap for leveraging the positive benefits of some theory-based tools for generating humour and laughter without falling into some of the obvious potential downsides, such as causing unintentional offence or creating divisions between groups. So, this is how comedy is defined.

What are the benefits of humour?

Majority of people don't realise that humour and laughter have significant mental and physical health benefits and even it has social benefits too. Do you know what are some of the benefits? If not, then let's see them one by one:

1. It ease anxiety and fear.

2. It helps to manage setbacks more effectively.

3. It boosts your immune system which eventually improves the energy levels too.

4. It helps to relieve stress and anxiety and

5. Helps to strengthen relationships and emotional connections.

So, these were the benefits of humour. Isn't these benefits so healthy for the body? Yes, they all are. So, do make sure that to incorporate humour into your life.

But, are you confused that how one can incorporate the humour? Then no problem, just read on:

1. Laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself too seriously.

2. Look for the positive side of a situation. Always surround yourself with positive people that make you smile and not make you cry.

3. Be grateful. Focus on what's going well in your life.

4. Make time for humour and laughter. Watch a funny movie or TV show, share jokes or stories and enjoy your favourite activities.

So, these are several best ways to incorporate humour in your daily routine cause it's absolutely healthy for the body and as well as mind.

Do you know how humour can combat coronavirus anxiety?

Now, all the lockdown measures are keeping people away from their normal activities, social media has without a doubt become a lifeline for human connections in a time of crisis.

Do you know what's the good part of that online communication? It is that slew of shared jokes, memes and humorous commentary on the situation that isn't very funny. But, do you know that this kind of humour is important?

Yes, you heard it right. Many types of research show that the anxiety that many people are filled with can be decreased as long as the humour is there. But, one should make sure that humour shouldn't exceed the boundaries of taste.

It's only good and healthy if used appropriately. A good sense of humour can bring so many communities together, but one should be very clear that it should be good and healthy humour.

As you know that because of the quarantine period many people were not able to meet their relatives so, the best way to talk to them is through social media. But, don't forget to add a bit of humour, it's the perfect combo. Haha! Isn't it?

What are the theories of humour?

Do you know what are the different types of theories of humour? If you aren't aware of them, then don't stress much. Will talk about it in detail in this blog post.

Actually, there are many theories of humour which explain that what is humour, what social function it serves and what should be considered humorous and what not. There are many theories for that matter. But, if you can carefully see then broadly there are three types of theories.

So, let's dig deep into them. Are you ready? If yes then just read on:

1. Relief theory

It argues that laughter and humour are ways of blowing off psychological steam, a way to release psychic energy.

2. Superiority theory

It was originally formulated by Plato and Aristotle to explain a specific kind of humour: why we laugh at other's misfortunes?

In this theory, humour is a means of declaring one's superiority over others. If you are looking to cultivate a sense of humour to improve your leadership skills, then this is not the kind you want to acquire.

3. Incongruity theory

It argues that humour arises when two contrasting, distinct ideas are mingled.

Consider Oscar Wilde's "Work is the curse of the drinking classes" — it's funny because it both reverses a common phrase and because it subverts a more conventional way of looking at the world.

So, these were the three theories of humour.


Humour and more specifically laughter can have many positive effects on the body and emotional state. It's history dates back to before Christ, but recent studies like the healing techniques conducted by Norman Cousins has given the medical world the most information in recent years.

Many new methods of laughter therapy have been invented including the ever-popular laughter yoga done as in individual or group settings. Laughter has specific benefits on the body, in particular, the immune, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems.

So, keep on laughing and be humorous too. Haha! Yes, it's very healthy for your overall well being.

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That’s it, hope you found this post useful. I would be more than happy if you send your feedback, suggestions. Moreover, I love to make new friends and we can be friends.

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Shagun Sharma
Shagun Sharma

Written by Shagun Sharma

Founder of Shaggy Writes | Health and Lifestyle Blogger | Host of Shaggy Talks Podcast

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